Hello, thank you, and welcome. I love you for being here!
Add to List is my Sunday round-up. It’s the small things that brought me joy, evoked an emotional reaction or became some short-lived stability in the past seven days.
This has been a foodie week. See below for highlights.
I signed up to a running event for the free coffee
I came out with a lot, lot more.
Run club freebies
On Saturday, I went to ‘Mark the Milestone’, a run club pop-up starting on the haute and haughty Heddon Street. The event was organised by Runna (the training app) and Lululemon (you know, that low-key, low-end, unknown sports brand). At the start, we joked about only arriving for the free socks and coffee — to our surprise we actually got three pairs. I haven’t run much further than 5k for quite a few weeks, this was 8. And, I surprisingly enjoyed it. It was a glorious day: a gentle trot round Regent’s Park, Hyde parks, striding past major landmarks and sharing life updates between deep exhales with friends I haven’t seen in a while.
The event required sign up only — I didn’t even have to pay a deposit to secure my place. There was not only a free coffee, but a selection Gail’s food (how on brand) and a goodie bag of Lulu garms. I really lucked out.
I can’t quite understand the strategy in giving away all those freebies to unknowns without the paid partnership or brand collaboration. I spotted a few run-fluencers but perhaps I slipped through the filter (pun intended) and was hiding in high-follower sight. Then again, here I am writing about it now. So technically, does that make me a runfluencer already!?
A new white running cap
Whilst the socks were a big win (if you’ve read my post, Odd Sock, you’ll know why). I also came away with one of these. I’ve always liked the look of Lulu’s caps but could never warrant spending 35 pounds on something which wouldn’t look great outside of sports I only partake in semi-regularly.
It’ll help me lace up and face up to the runs I seem to increasingly procrastinate on. If it’s raining, I now have a quick-dry visor and one less excuse. Getting new kit to motivate you isn’t the solution, but it is a good start. Even better if it doesn’t cost you anything.
It’s been a foodie week
An eclectic mix of influences and flavours this week with (as always, there is a hearty drumbeat of Italian). I’ve convinced myself that without all of the below, I wouldn’t have made it to the end of the 8k on Saturday. Accidental carb-loading.
A couple of highlights:
The Vada Pav, Dusty Knuckle, Dalston.
Fried spiced potato balls with coriander, mint and lime chutney and delectably sticky date, tamarind and masala drizzle, all served in a soft bun. Imagine the nicest Indian starter you’ve ever had, and the best tray of poppadum condiments shovel-loaded into a soft, chewy sourdough bun. It’s vegan too. Usually I’d say that would make it the least exciting item on the menu for me. Not this time. Absolute heaven.
A pizza to fuel a peice-a-writing, The Tufnell Park Tavern, Tufnell Park
I love writing at the pub. It’s spacious. There are proper tables. There are multiple charge points. During the day it’s quiet enough to focus but loud enough to feel like things are changing around you— your energy can be diverted to people watching between writing bursts. Come 4-5 p.m, it starts gets busier; the increasing decibels and decreasing availability of service staff, signal it’s time to start wrapping up to go home. I was on quite a roll on Thursday and couldn’t face going home to cook so powered through until the deadline was completed (and treated myself to a pizza). Which was inhaled before it had cooled properly. Burnt my cheek on the cheese. That’ll teach me for being piggy, but, I do believe my word count was hit much faster because of it.
Sausage Tagliatelle, Trullo, Highbury
Perhaps not the best pre-spin class meal (seriously, I was burping finocchiona to the beat of some high-intensity house music a mere 1.5 hours later) but this lunch with a friend filled me up in more ways than one. Pasta really is my chosen love language.
Comte, griddled pear and freekeh Salad with a lemon and cinnamon dressing, my kitchen, my house
I learnt this recipe at an event in my days as a salad blogger (before you go hunting for it, all evidence of this website has been withdrawn from the internet). Yet, I have quite the salad catalog stored in my brain as a result. This one stayed in my ‘easy but want to impress’ repertoire. Nutty, nutritious, and heavy on the cheese — I think they call that balance.
Trullo by Tim Siadatan
I love flicking through cook books on a Sunday. Not in a ‘what am I going to eat this week’ type-A planning way. Honestly, that is too much like homework for me. I read cookbooks at weekends in the way you would look at a painting, or enjoy the pages of a novel. It’s about opening your eyes (and your belly) to ideas, history, and stories.
So, following the delightful lunch on Friday, I’ve been sticking my nose into the Trullo book. I gifted it to my mum years ago, and she sends me a photo every time she makes something from it.
Ever queued for the cacio e pepe from Padella? (If not, you’re about eight years too late tbh.) Anyway, this place is the sophisticated older sibling of carbs. It's still got the salivation-worthy pasta created with seasonal British produce, but it also has a menu filled with salads more substantial mains. Switch the stainless steel counters for deep brown flooring, and an elegant navy panelled dining space. Plus, they don’t leave you hanging around outside in the cold for your table? Tick tick tick.
Can’t Stop Scanning
The start of spring
Anyone else noticed the crocus revival? Their little sprouts of optimistic colour? Trees beginning to open their blossoming-hearts to the world? Walking home the other night, this fuschia fascia of my local pub stopped me dead in my tracks. The seasons, they are a-changin’.
Forward Planning
New beginnings and Writers IRL.
Next week, I start a new part-time food writing job (yay).
And going forwards after this point, all communication will be on the new publication,
. Make sure you’re subscribed to get live updates.
Ace news about the new job. Some regular bread and butter 👏🏾
This sounds like my kinda run club! (a line I never thought I'd say...).
Can't make the 5th sorry but hope you have a fab night! x