Absolutely loved reading this and can't tell you how much I'm in the same boat of both "But recently, I regularly feel like I’ve taken a pill, left the Matrix, then returned to our world’s simulation as a totally new video game player." and "I’m dying to get my hair cut, or my nails done— why is it just SO expensive!?" 😂😂 a weird place to be in.

I also felt into your question "do you want the belonging or do you want to belong? "as I just purchased new running trainers because I've been dying to go back to my trail running club and it's funny how in that context the answer was I both want the belonging and through that belonging, I can belong, yet it feels totally different to when I'd choose a belonging to 'belong' to something that had less substance i.e. to fit-in with the fashion, or to belong with something I don't really care that much about, but feel I should - maybe it feels better when that belonging is true-community and value-driven?

Awesome read Michaella - thanks <3

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Hi Emma! Awww 🥰 thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on reading this. I’m so so glad it did something for you. Seems like we are in a similarly beautiful but weird place! Sending you so much ❤️

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Belongings , we could also be custodians for our precious belongings. Custodians of precious things belonging to loved ones passed. Being custodians of their beautiful belongings to hand to the next generation of custodians . These belongings do belong , they belong in our hearts forever

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