I found myself chuckling out loud! Such a great piece-- I love how you work and weave the metaphors of sand and architecture and corporate structure... great writing. Congratulations on your new path, Michaella!

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Awww thank you, Karen 🥰 this is so lovely to read. Thank you for reading and for your lovely words in the comments!! ❤️

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Jul 20Liked by Michaella Parkes

Really poignant post, and also all I could think of while reading is that I needed a photo of this castle!

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Thank you, Anna. ❤️ I’m on the hunt for a photograph.

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Could this be any more poignant?! No! Having spent the morning on a task that has no end, I was beginning to wonder just what is the point myself. But couldn’t have articulated it as beautifully!

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thank you!!! Put down that spade for a few hours and go out and enjoy the sunshine <3

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Jul 19Liked by Michaella Parkes

“Enjoy the view of my changing tide” - beautiful

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Freelance existentialism is an important topic and we need to talk about it asap. But all I am thinking about right now is that spiral staircase. I need to see it!

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P.s. yes to freelance existentialism as an important topic, construct and all round general conversation starter. This is definitely a safe space support group to discuss all the feels. More on than coming soon no doubt as I figure all this world out.

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someone definitely took a picture. I will dig it out (pun intended)

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